Saturday, January 24, 2015


There's Nothing like this
Milk! Milk! Milk!
Yo I don't believe..
I don't believe, there's nothing like this
You guys aren't normal.. Seriously..
There's nothing like this eh!
Okay guys.. Guys..
So as you all know
This is a farewell gathering for the man
The best man here!
Who leaves us tomorrow.
In short, we wrote you something small, red pepper, it's on you
Our milk
Today is only the 19th
And you are good until the 20th
But in our hearts, you left worlds
You are 3 percent fat 971 percent man
We love you milk,
We love you..
You guy
Last rhythm wasn't coming to me
Nothing I'm in shock.. I'm in shock. There's nothing like this
Wow I had a feeling you guys would do something.. Where is sausage?!
What kind of a sausage are you!..
Hurry stop speaking..
Sausage! Hit it!!
Not right..
Cottage?! -brother..
Yo..yo. From where? Do you remind me?
Super BaBa? Weeks ago?
Yo..yo..yo nothing, nothing
There's Nothing like this

4eyn dvarim ka4eleh
Calav! Calav! Calav!
Yo4o 4ani lo4 ma4amin..
4ani lo4 ma4amin, 4eyn dvarim ka4eleh..
4atem lo4 normalim..r3ini..
4eyn dvarim ka4eleh nu!
4oqey cevreh..cevreh..
4az ka2ah kmo 5ekulam yod7im,
Zu mxibat predah mehagever,
Ha2i gever ka4n!
5e7ozev 4otanu macar.
Qi3er, katavnu le2a ma5ehu qa9an, gambah, le2a 7al zeh
Calav 5elanu
Hayom kvar ha 19,
W4atah 9ov 7ad ha 20.
4aval blibanu, ti5a4er l7olamim
4atah 3 4acuz 5uman, 971 gever
4ohavim 4ot2a calav,
4ohavim 4ot2a..
Ya4 gever
Caruz 4acaron lo4 hayah li.
4eyn 4ani ba5oq..4ani ba5oq..4eyn dvarim ka4eleh..
Wow haytah li harga5ah 5e4atem 7osim ma5ehu..4eyfoh naqniq?!
4eyzeh naqniq 4atah!..
Tmaher cal4ax diburim..
Naqniq! Ten baro45!!
Lo4 na2on..
Qo9eg'?! - 4aci...
Yo4o..yo4o..me4eyfoh? tazkir li?
Xuper ba4ba4? Lifney 5avu7im?
Yo4o..yo4o..yo4o 4eyn, 4eyn.
4eyn dvarim ka4eleh!