1. Read 3a6arah עטרה 📖
2. Kiss corners RTL 💋
3. Throw right side over left and left over left also
4. Count to 10
5. Take off left then right
6. Superman
1. Put Arm Tefillin on while sitting according to Sephardic custom.
2. Place bayit(box) in middle of bicep and while holding strap say the blessing of the Shel Yad.
3. Wrap over edge of box, around the box, over the yod and after the elbow.
4. Wrap strap earthward around arm while reciting the days of the week by number x7 📅
5.Wrap excess around hand
1. Put Head tefillin on while standing
2. Place Tefillin on head by holding knot ד and placing on nape
3. Say blessing of Shel Rosh while adjusting box above hair line
1. Pinky, middle finger x3, ring, index
2. As the strap is wrapped around the middle finger Hosea 2:21-22 is recited
*Removal in reverse: Hand, Head, Arm
*During the week ⏩ שבת Tefillin Bimqom Shabat תפילין במקום שבת
(Tefillin instead of Sabbath)
*On Shabat ⏪ שבת Shabat Bimqom Tefillin שבת במקום תפילין
(Sabbath instead of tefillin)
*A man always carries 2 אות signs with him. Circumcision & Tefillin or Sabbath
1. Place in box
2. Put knot ד on brim
3. Right under
4. Left under
5. Right under and around
6. Left under and around
7. Should look like dove wings 🕊
1. Simply wrap around and place in bag so that it is the first one within reach next time you wear tefillin